Reyna Baeza-Oregel
Landscape Associate
Email Reyna
The Director shall, as her primary duty, serve on the Board of Directors of the Corporation. She shall work toward achieving the objectives of the Corporation for the benefit of all the members of the Corporation without special regard for any subdivision of the membership.
The Director shall inform the Board of Directors on all matters of interest to this SECTION when so instructed by the Executive Committee.
The Director shall promptly inform the SECTION in writing of all actions of the Board of Directors. She shall also inform the President in a separate written report of all matters, which require action by the SECTION.

Omar Perez
Transportation Engineer (Electrical)
Email Omar
The President is the chief executive of the SECTION and the chairperson of the Executive Committee. The President shall, upon the authorization of the Executive Committee, exercise direct supervision, direction, and control of the business and affairs of the SECTION.
The President shall appoint chairperson(s) of, and have general supervision, direction, and control of all SECTION committees except the Nominating Committee.
Sylvia Rivas
Landscape Associate
Email Sylvia
The President-Elect shall act, as assistant to the President and in the absence of the President shall perform the duties of the President.
The President-Elect shall perform such other duties as may be prescribed by the President or the Executive Committee.
On completion of his term of office, the President-Elect shall serve one term as President.

Aaron Brady
Vice President Rank-and-File
Transportation Engineer (Civil)
Email Aaron
The Vice President At-Large Rank & File, shall serve as SECTION representative for rank and file members’ At-Large (non-Caltrans) grievances, claims, appeals, etc.
Almabeth Anderson
Vice President Supervisory & Management
Senior Landscape Architect
Email Almabeth
The Vice President, Supervisory and Management shall serve as SECTION’s member on the Corporation Meet and Confer Committee; provide SECTION views, needs, and input to the Corporation meet and Confer Team; and serve as SECTION representative for supervisory and management members’ grievances claims, appeals, etc.
Amanda Chapman
Vice President At-Large, Rank & File
Water Resources Control Engineer
Water Resources Control Board
Email Amanda
The Vice President At-Large Rank & File, shall serve as SECTION representative for rank and file members’ At-Large (non-Caltrans) grievances, claims, appeals, etc.
Timothy Curran
Landscape Associate
Email Timothy
The Secretary shall keep, or cause to be kept, a book of minutes of all meetings of the Executive Committee and of the SECTION.
The Secretary shall keep, or cause to be kept, a register showing the names of the members and their addresses.
The Secretary shall perform such other duties as may be prescribed by the Executive Committee or these Bylaws.

Juan Carlos Alvarez
Transportation Engineer (Civil)
Email Juan Carlos (JC)
The Treasurer shall collect and keep the special funds of the SECTION in the manner prescribed by the Executive Committee.
The Treasurer shall disburse the specific funds of this SECTION only on the approval of, and in the manner prescribed by the Executive Committee.
The Treasurer shall keep, or cause to be kept, and accurate accounting of all the special funds of this SECTION in a manner prescribed by the Board of Directors.
The Treasurer shall prepare, or cause to be prepared, all financial reports required by the Corporate or SECTION By-Laws, the Board of Directors, or the Executive Committee.