What defines Inland Empire (IE)?
Inland Empire is more commonly used now and it represents both the San Bernardino and Riverside County areas.
What purpose does this website serve?
Inland Empire PECG website was developed to keep the membership informed of the latest news and events, get their feed back and help create a more seamless interaction between members and the Section officers.
What is the MOU?
This PECG Memorandum of Understanding (hereinafter “MOU” or “Agreement”) is entered into by and between the State of California (hereinafter “State” or “State employer”) and Professional Engineers in California Government (hereinafter “PECG”), pursuant to the Ralph C. Dills Act, Government Code Sections 3512 et seq.
Its purpose is to improve employer-employee relations between the parties by establishing wages, hours, other terms and conditions of employment, and other subjects contained herein.
Pursuant to the Dills Act and PERB Certification #S-SR-9, the State recognizes PECG as the exclusive representative of all employees in the Professional Engineer Unit, Unit 9 (hereinafter “Bargaining Unit”). Pursuant to Government Code Section 3517, the State employer shall be represented by the Director of the Department of Personnel Administration (hereinafter “DPA”) or his/her designee.
How do I know if I am a member?
Please call PECG Corporate HQ at (916) 446-0400 or (800) 338-1480.
Why join PECG?
PECG has been providing effective, dependable representation in employment and professional matters to State of California engineers, architects, engineering geologists, landscape architects, land surveyors and related specialist classes for more than 35 years.
Members elect our leaders and establish our policies. PECG is neither affiliated with nor controlled by any other organization. Members are in one of 17 PECG Sections that geographically cover the state. Each Section elects a director who serves on the PECG Board of Directors along with statewide elected officers.
The crucial task of contract negotiations is conducted by negotiating teams chaired by the elected statewide vice presidents for collective bargaining and supervisory employees. PECG also provides individual representation in disciplinary appeals, grievances, and arbitrations, and is very active in the Legislature and the courts.
PECG has offices in Sacramento, Glendale and San Francisco. PECG employs professional negotiators, consultants, attorneys, support staff and Sacramento lobbyists.
All of PECG’s resources and efforts are dedicated to achieving one goal: to provide you with the most effective representation.
I am a Supervisor — why should I be a member?
Supervisors, like Rank and File, are also represented by PECG. Please contact your Section V.P. Supervisory and Management for more info.
Are Supervisors represented by PECG?
Yes, Supervisors are represented by PECG. Please contact V.P. Supervisory and Management for the details.
How do I join PECG?
Please visit the PECG Corporate Website at www.pecg.org.
I recently moved — what should I do?
Please visit this page or call Corporate HQ at (916) 446-0400 or (800) 338-1480 to have your information changed.
My department has my new change of address. Will PECG automatically update the changes?
No! You still need to call PECG Corporate Staff at (916) 446-0400 or (800) 338-1480 to update your information. Unless PECG office has your new address your mail will be sent to your previous (old) address.
What is Inland Empire Section’s mailing address?
Inland Empire PECG
P.O. Box 152
San Bernardino, CA 92402
How do I contact Corporate office?
Website: www.pecg.org
455 Capitol Mall, Suite 501, Sacramento, CA 95814
(916) 446-0400 -or- (800) 338-1480
Fax # (916) 446-0489
Email: pecg@pecg.org
215 N. Marengo Avenue, Suite 185, Pasadena, CA 91101
(818) 500-9941 -or- (888) 980-7324
Fax # (818) 247-2348
San Francisco: 100 Pine Street, Suite 750, San Francisco, CA 94111
(415) 861-5720 -or- (800) 924-5575
Fax # (415) 861-5360
Insurance information: (415) 956-1344
Insurance Administrator Email: insurance@pecg.org
How can I become more involved with PECG?
By attending Section meetings, volunteering, voicing your concerns, constructive feed-back, and running for office. Elections for the Section are usually held in July/August of every year. Please contact your Section officers for more information.
How do I know who the current officers are?
Please check the Officers tab on the menu. You can call, visit or email the Section Officers.
Are PECG Officers paid?
NO, none of the officers are paid. PECG is a non-profit organization and all the Section and Corporate officers serve the Organization on a volunteer basis.
They are all officers; can I go to any officer regarding my concerns?
This website will help you identify the officer and his/her responsibility for the current year, so that we may perform our duties and in a more efficient manner. Please note that every officer is assigned a specific duty and/or responsibility. Even though you may be more familiar with some officers than others, but in the Section’s best interest contact the officer who is assigned that specific duty first. Please, respect the officers’ space and time at work, they have their State assignments also to complete. All your Section officers volunteer their time here and in Sacramento, and they put in a lot of effort behind the scenes in making this Section work as smoothly as possible. They try their best to serve efficiently and promptly your individual member needs, and the needs of the Section in general, and they need your help in doing so.
Why should I become an Officer?
You will learn the functions of PECG, and it’s a good leadership experience. You will also get the satisfaction of helping the organization and in turn your fellow employees.
How can I become an Officer?
Elections are normally held in August or September of every year. Please contact any of the officers if you are interested in running for any office. The responsibilities of the officers are available on this website.
Who is President-Elect?
The President-Elect elected for the current year will automatically become an officer for the following year. All other offices are voted upon by the membership every year.
What does At-Large Mean?
At-Large is a term used for employees represented by PECG from all other Departments not including Caltrans.
I am in construction, or at a remote location. How do I contact the officers?
Please use this website to communicate with the PECG officers.
When does the new PECG year start with the newly appointed officers?
Traditionally, the Corporate Annual meeting is held ever year on Christopher Columbus Day weekend in October. After the Annual meeting the new officers take over their duties.
Does the Inland Empire Section offer Educational Scholarships?
In it’s continuing effort to provide services and support that is both beneficial and relevant to our members, the Inland Empire section is currently offering one or two $500 Scholarships to encourage students in pursuit of an Architecture, Engineering, or Land Surveying Degree.
To obtain more information on the Applicant Requirements and Selection Criteria contact the Section officers for the latest information. Information for the following year will be available on this website as well. Please check back for periodic updates.
Why attend a Section Meeting?
If the membership does not actively participate in the Section, the Corporate officers representing them in Sacramento will not know the membership’s concerns, and they may not voice these concerns at the bargaining table with the DPA or other State Departments. You can also familiarize yourself with the Corporate officers and PECG staff, share your ideas and bond with other PECG members.
Why do we need meal tickets for Section Meetings?
Officers try to provide lunch at the meetings as a courtesy. It would be a blatant waste of Section funds if the officers order over the required amount, and on the other hand the officers do not want to turn members away from lunch because of shortage of food. Meal tickets help us get a more accurate count of the members attending the Section meeting.
I am a Fee Payer can I still get lunch at the Section Meetings?
If is food is provided at the Section meeting, the priority is as follows Members with tickets followed by members without tickets and then fee payers. Fee payers are not eligible for meal tickets in advance.
What is PECG’nic?
PECG’nic is the Inland Empire Annual Picnic for all employees represented by PECG. The Section officers organize this event. This is usually held in fall, but the date or the time is not fixed due to many constraints.
Where can I get more information on retirement?
Please contact your Section Vice President Rank and File.
Can I purchase more Inland Empire PECG polo shirts?
Please contact Section officers for availability and information.